Booking History

  • Booking ID - 117652
  • Category - Shopping
  • Facility -Extra 15% off up to 500 on - INR 500 Off
  • Booking Type - Promo code based redemption
  • Payment Status - Success
  • Booking Status - Booked
We already have received your request for coupon code. Please check back here again by 15 Aug 2023 09.15 PM to see details of coupon code & steps to claim the code.
  • Booking ID - 117652
  • Category - Shopping
  • Facility -Extra 15% off up to 500 on - INR 500 Off
  • Booking Type - Promo code based redemption
  • Payment Status - Success
  • Booking Status - Booked
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  • Booking ID - 128
  • Category - Amazon Prime
  • Facility - Amazon Prime - Complimentary 12 Months Subscription
  • Booking Type - Paid
  • Payment Status - Success
  • Valid till - 25/08/2025
  • Coupon Code - THR12354
  • Booking ID - 129
  • Category - Zee5
  • Facility - Zee5 - Complimentary 12 Months Subscription
  • Booking Type - Paid
  • Payment Status - Success
  • Valid till - 25/08/2025
  • Coupon Code - THR12354
  • Booking ID - 130
  • Category - Meddy Buddy
  • Facility - Meddy Buddy - Complimentary 12 Months Subscription
  • Booking Type - Paid
  • Payment Status - Success
  • Valid till - 25/08/2025
  • Coupon Code - THR12354
  • Booking ID - 131
  • Category - SonyLiv
  • Facility - SonyLiv - Complimentary 12 Months Subscription
  • Booking Type - Paid
  • Payment Status - Success
  • Valid till - 25/08/2025
  • Coupon Code - THR12354

Hi Alex